Life’s A Sport, Be An Athlete.
I hear it almost daily in talking about CrossFit…..”I’m not an athlete, I just want to feel and look good”. Well lets talk about that. Do you get out of bed every morning, stand up from your chair at the office or sit on the toilet? Do you pick your children up from the floor, throw them in the air, or swing them at the playground? Do you push a patient or family member in a wheelchair, assist them to the bed , or up after a fall? Do you move furniture or bring in groceries? Are you climbing a ladder, digging a ditch, painting a home, or carrying equipment to a job site? All of these things require you to move your body using good mechanics to prevent injury. They require strength, agility, and stamina. If you answered yes then you are in fact an athlete in life. RIGHT? CrossFit is not for everyone, but it is for ANYONE. We say that because not everyone will be willing to put forth the effort and commitment
necessary to succeed. No matter your age or ability if you desire to make changes in yourself and are willing to commit, CrossFit can help you achieve your goals. We can help you. LIFE IS A SPORT, BE AN ATHLETE!